Monday, January 11, 2021

How to Treat a Burn at Home Naturally!

Other types of exercises can improve muscle strength and coordination. And occupational therapy may help if you have difficulty doing your normal daily activities. Your doctor might recommend a tetanus shot after a burn injury. Change the dressing within 48 hours after the wound is first bandaged.

home treatment of second degree burns

Swelling – swelling is caused by fluid leaking from blood vessels and collecting around the damaged areas of the burn. Swelling tends to occur soon after injury and should subside if the area is elevated, moved regularly, held in an upright position and bandaged appropriately. Remove all the tight clothing, belts, jewellery etc immediately. If clothing etc sticks to the skin, then tear or cut to remove and cool the burn. Experiencing a burn causes oxidative stress to the body and can deplete vitamin E, especially if it’s a really serious burn. While study results haven’t been super impressive, one of the most popular uses of vitamin E is the treatment of burns, scars and wounds.


However, the cause of the burn does not always determine the degree of the burn. All of these things mentioned should be completely avoided when you have a 2nd-degree burn. Once the threat of damaging the skin or breaking blisters has passed you can leave it unbandaged.

home treatment of second degree burns

Look for an aloe vera gel that is at least 99 percent pure. You can apply the gel two times daily to promote healing. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased.


For hand burns, a see-through plastic bag is a good alternative. A review from 2018 found that honey may provide some clinical benefit when a person applies it to burns. Not all burns require a hospital visit, and sometimes, a person can treat a burn or scald at home. If you can, keep the area elevated in the first couple of days.

Scalds are burns that occur due to hot liquid, and doctors measure them similarly. Some people believe applying toothpaste to a burn site can help. Toothpaste is not sterile and may encourage bacteria to spread into the burn.

Medical Dictionary

The most common types of friction burn are road rash and rug burns. Once a second-degree blister pops or tears, the epidermis will begin to fall away in sheets. This photo shows sloughing after someone spilled hot water from a pot of pasta onto her foot. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , over 350,000 Americans are treated for burns in emergency rooms each year. If you or someone in your care has chest pains, difficulty breathing, or severe bleeding, it could be a life-threatening emergency. If you are looking for health services in your community, you can use the HealthLinkBC Directory to find hospitals, clinics, and other resources.

home treatment of second degree burns

Talk with your doctor if you have a burn that is extremely painful, covers a large area of the body, or is showing signs of infection. You may be able to treat a superficial second-degree burn at home. A deep second-degree burn may require additional treatment from a doctor, including a skin graft. When a large area of the body is involved, this can be fatal, and large burns resulting large amounts of fluid loss require immediate medical attention. Once you have soaked the area, dried it, and applied antibiotic ointment you can now bandage the wound.

To treat a hot water burn you should immediately run the scalded area are under cool water for at least 20 minutes. It is the most severe type of burn and also involves deeper tissues such as bones, muscles etc. This type of burn often leads to loss of the burned part. Usually there is no pain, the burnt area is stiff and healing does not take place on its own.

In case of second degree burns or more severe burns, one should prevent shock condition of the person. Lay down the person with burns flat and cover with blanket or coat. Seek medical help immediately, as this need assessment of the severity and accordingly the treatment. A second-degree burn that does not cover greater than 10 percent of the skin’s surface can often be treated in an outpatient setting.

How to Treat Second-degree burns

In this article, we explain which home remedies are suitable and which are not. We also provide guidance on recognizing when a burn requires medical treatment. Apply an antibiotic ointment or cream recommended by your doctor. Once the blister has burst, you should treat it like an open wound, as it is one. Apply the cream to the gauze or bandage, then gently place it over the blister. Check with your doctor for advice specific to your burn treatment.

home treatment of second degree burns

A person should seek medical treatment if they suspect an infection, if the wound covers a large area, or if it does not heal within a reasonable amount of time. A first degree burn will typically heal within 7­–10 days. A second degree burn usually takes 2–3 weeks to heal. A person should monitor the burn for signs of infection that may require medical attention. Home treatment for first and second degree burns is often enough to resolve initial pain and inflammation.

What is a second-degree burn?

Elevating the area makes it more difficult for blood and liquid to pool there, reducing swelling. Try to keep the area above your heart when possible. Apply bandages loosely to avoid breaking the blister. Take off any jewelry that may tighten around the area if it swells.

These few things can be done to help alleviate pain and encourage faster healing and less scarring after the fact. Encouraging the burn to heal faster and heal better with these types of 2nd-degree burn treatments. A person should action some home remedies immediately after the burn happens. For example, running the burn under cool water will be most effective in the minutes after the burn. Running cool water over a first- or second-degree burn for 20 minutes can cool the skin down, soothe the burn, and prevent further injury. The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.

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